Thursday, August 13, 2009

Salah siapa?????

apakah yang terlintas di fikiran anda?????

siapa yang patut di persalahkan????

Budak Sekolah Sekarang....

Dulu..bdk2 sklh time tu bole thn jugak la dlm bab nak hormat cikgu n parent ni still no satu lagi....sekarang ni byk laporan dalam suratkabar dan tv yang cerita pasal masalah bdk2 sklh skrg ni.ade yang morokok, lepak tak tentu pasal & yang paling best da pandai ber'kongkek' sesama mereka.apa la nk jadi ngan bdk2 skrg.


"Mat Rempit merupakan istilah kepada penunggang motosikal yang terlibat dalam perlumbaan haram, biasanya dengan menggunakan moto kapcai atau skuter. Ia merupakan satu gejala sosial remaja di Malaysia sekarang. Minah Rempit pula boleh jadi merupakan seorang pelumba perempuan, atau teman wanita Mat Rempit. Walaupun kebanyakan Mat Rempit sering berlumba, ada juga yang cuma menunggang secara berbahaya di jalan raya. Mat Rempit biasanya berkumpulan dan akan berlumba di tengah-tengah kota pada malam hujung minggu. Mat Rempit juga telah dikaitkan dengan kegiatan gengster, rompak berkumpulan, pergaduhan, laku musnah, kecurian dan buli. Kebanyakan motosikal yang digunakan Mat Rempit tidak memenuhi piawai, ataupun telah diubah suai dengan banyak. Malah ada juga Mat Rempit yang tidak mempunyai lesen sah, tidak membayar cukai jalan dan menaiki motosikal curi. Kini, taman perumahan turut telah ditukar menjadi litar lumba oleh Mat Rempit. Dianggarkan di Malaysia sahaja terdapat kira-kira 200,000 Mat Rempit" (wikipedia)
Make headlines for almost every week. Setiap minggu pastinya ada berita pasal mat rempit dalam suratkhabar. Their acts mendapat perhatian sehingga ke peringkat menteri dan pernah dibincangkan didalam parlimen. Setiap kali mereka beraksi akan mendapat perhatian beratus penyokong, dirakam oleh lensa camera dari pelbagai sudut, juga beratus polis setiap weekend ditugaskan 'menjaga' mereka. Selain dari bahan-bahan lucah, perkataan 'Mat Rempit' juga antara yang paling popular di search di internet. Cool, right?

Adakah ini bakal pelapis mat rempit suatu hari nanti???
Thinking about that....

anak yang tidak berdosa...

'Tiada lagi kah perasaan kasih sayang di hati sanubari masyarakat kita sekarang ini?' Melihat tubuh kecil dan comel yang tidak berdosa ini, dibuang bagaikan sampah, menunjukkan betapa sudah hilangnya rasa kasih sayang di sanubari masyarakat kita hari ini.Sememangnya perkara ini harus dibenteras, sebelum ia menjadi barah di dalam masyarakat kita dewasa ini. Punca awal kejadian ini berlaku haruslah dicari dan diselesaikan dengan cara bijak. Dewasa ini kalau kita lihat pasangan remaja (termasuk juga pasangan veteran) mempunyai ruang yang luas untuk melakukan maksiat yang merupakan punca terjadinya perkara yang amat mengaibkan ini. Lihat sahaja ramai remaja kita tidak segan silu untuk berasmara dan berkucupan di khalayak ramai, tanpa dapat ditegur oleh orang ramai. Apatah lagi dikawasan yang tersembunyi seperti di hotel – hotel dan rumah-rumah tumpangan.

Oleh itu sesuatu harus dilakukan, sebagai langkah pertama, satu rumah amal harus ditubuhkan, dan talian hotline harus lah diwar-warkan untuk menerima bayi-bayi yang tidak berdosa ini. Biarlah mereka membuang bayi ini di rumah-rumah yang telah dikhaskan daripada mereka membuang bayi ini di longkang dan tempat-tempat yang tidak sepatutnya.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

social functions

Structural functionalism is a sociological paradigm which addresses what social functions various elements of the social system perform in regard to the entire system. Social structures are stressed and placed at the center of analysis, and social functions are deduced from these structures. It was developed in the United States by sociologist Talcott Parsons. It was developed, independently, in the United Kingdom by the students of social anthropologists Bronisław Malinowski and Alfred Radcliffe-Brown. Functionalism is most often associated with sociology and sociocultural anthropology.

Structural functionalism is built upon twin emphases: application of the scientific method to the objective social world and use of an analogy between the individual organism and society. The emphasis on scientific method leads to the assertion that one can study the social world in the same ways as one studies the physical world. Thus, Functionalists see the social world as "objectively real," as observable with such techniques as social surveys and interviews. They believe that rules and regulations help organize relationships between members of society. Values provide general guidelines for behavior in terms of roles and norms. These institutions of society such as the family, religion, the economy, the educational and political systems, are major aspects of the social structure. Institutions are made up of interconnected roles or inter-related norms. For example, inter-connected roles in the institution of the family are of wife, mother, husband, father, son, brother, sister and daughter.

The theory is based around a number of key concepts. First, society is viewed as a system – a collection of interdependent parts, with a tendency toward equilibrium. Second, there are functional requirements that must be met in a society for its survival (such as reproduction of the population). Third, phenomena are seen to exist because they serve a function [Holmwood, 2005:87].

Functionalists believe that one can compare society to a living organism, in that both a society and an organism are made up of interdependent working parts (organs) and systems that must function together in order for the greater body to function. An example of this can be found in the theory of Emergence. Functionalist sociologists say that the different parts of society e.g. the family, education, religion, law and order, media etc. have to be seen in terms of the contribution that they make to the functioning of the whole of society. This ‘organic analogy’ sees the different parts of society working together to form a social system in the same way that the different parts of an organism form a cohesive functioning entity.

social welfare

social welfare or public charity, organized provision of educational, cultural, medical, and financial assistance to the needy. Modern social welfare measures may include any of the following: the care of destitute adults; the treatment of the mentally ill; the rehabilitation of criminals; the care of destitute, neglected, and delinquent children; the care and relief of the sick or handicapped; the care and relief of needy families; and supervisory, educational, and constructive activity, especially for the young.

social work

Social work is both a profession and social science. It involves the application of social theory social sciences as a means to improve the human condition and positively change society's response to chronic problems. and research methods to study and improve the lives of people, groups, and societies. It incorporates and uses other

Social work is a profession committed to the pursuit of social justice, to the enhancement of the quality of life, and to the development of the full potential of each individual, group and community in the society. It seeks to simultaneously address and resolve social issues at every level of society and economic status, but especially among the poor and sick.

Social workers are concerned with social problems, their causes, their solutions and their human impacts. They work with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities.

Social work and human history go together. Social work was always in human societies although it began to be a defined pursuit and profession in the 19th century. This definition was in response to societal problems that resulted from the Industrial Revolution and an increased interest in applying scientific theory to various aspects of study. Eventually an increasing number of educational institutions began to offer social work programmes.

The settlement movement's emphasis on advocacy and case work became part of social work practice. During the 20th century, the profession began to rely more on research and evidenced-based practice as it attempted to improve its professionalism. Today social workers are employed in a myriad of pursuits and settings.

Professional social workers are generally considered those who hold a professional degree in social work and often also have a license or are professionally registered. Social workers have organized themselves into local, national, and international professional bodies to further the aims of the profession.